CTRE Swerve Next Steps

Our team is switching from a REV/CTRE hybrid swerve to a fully CTRE swerve system, so we are using the Phoenix Tuner X generated swerve code. After we use the project generator, what are the next steps we should take to tune our constants? I see some SysId stuff included in the Tuner code but I am unsure how to use them. I have never used SysId before and don’t know exactly what “characterization” is. I hand-tuned my voltage feed forward last year when using REV by using the REV Hardware Manager and manually applying voltage to all 8 motors.

Can someone walk me through the process of tuning my constants? The code I have right now is here: REEFSCAPE-2025/src/main at main · RambotsTeam1350/REEFSCAPE-2025 · GitHub

I’d like to direct you to this article for WPILib, which explains what SysId is, and what it is for, how it works. Then the Phoenix 6 documentation helps you around with what is generated, and how to use it.

SysId is an application to analyze your data from recorded SysIdRoutines. It pretty much just does what you did by hand, but automatically from data that is recorded from the motors when they go through a SysIdRoutine.

Feel free to ask anymore questions!

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