CUI AMT312S-V and Comparable CUI Encoders for Swerve

Team 3620 is currently pursuing a Swerve drivetrain and, as we were discussing azimuth encoders, one of our mentors found the CUI AMT encoders.

The two encoders that we are mainly considering at the moment are the CTRE Mag Encoder, which would be plugged into a breakout board on a CAN Talon, and a CUI AMT encoder. While we like the Mag Encoder, we think the CUI encoders will be more robust. If anyone has experience with using the CUI encoders for Swerve or another application that used the index pulse for homing, your opinion on the matter would be greatly appreciated.


Well I can’t say we’ve used the index pulse but we are still using 4 year old CUI encoders w/o issue. We have replaced the brackets but the encoders themselves just keep working and you have the ability to select the PPR of the main channels.