(CURIE) Let's make this Easy for all of us. [scouting]

Every team that is is the curie divison write a little something about your bot for scout purposes.

Team 151 Bae Sytems North America/ Nashua Senior High School.

Two Goal robot,

Fairly Fast Approximately Dual Motor Drive train Drill-Chipuawa

Excellent traction with milled aluminum wheels, and our goal grabbers transfer the weight of the goals onto Bot.

At UTC won almost all shoving matches over the center goal including 2 with previous regional champions.

Won a match against Bobcats and MIT single handedly

Seeded 31st due to a few bad matches, was selected into the finals by Team 42. Got knocked out in quaterfinals by superior strategey.

Won Engineering Inspiration Award

Driver team 151
Please Feel free to ask questions

And on a personal note i’d love to work with Team 157 in the finals, after watching them at Longisland and UTC i think your bot is great.

Team 930


Mukwanago Masters of Machinery

Marge picks up balls quickly. Her basket can hold 18 or 19 depending on how it is filled. If our partner has postive goal control we can do two “fill and dumps” in a match. More than once at regionals we ran the whole row of 20 balls for a fill with the overflow left in the vertical conveyor.

We have improved manuverability since MMR. As a result, if the opponents scatter the balls it shouldn’t matter much. We will still manage a fill or two.

Traction is moderate

Speed is mid to high

No tether

She has a goal grabber but don’t use it unless alliance makes it necessary.

Important final note: we are robust and reliable.

Team 357
Royal Assault

What can Jester do?

you saw us in Drexel and some of you saw us in Huoston but for those of you that didn’t…we are a goal control robot (2)…with independent arms on two independently moving turntables…(like turrets they move on a 5o degree angle and grab from the sides…we zip out at 12-13 feet per second position ourselves comfortably in between two goal…and our claws lock using our smart code…meaning that once the claws have hold there is nothing that can pull them apart…

Smart Code = The claw has a button and when the claw hits the posts below the goal the button is accuated pushing the pneumatic cylinder and pusing the claw past center making it lock…this is all without the operator touching a thing after he gets it set-up…

The Turntable = they independently control the arms that allow us to grab the goals…the arms reach out 12 inches from the sides and the claw grabs the goals…(claws are attached to the ends of the arms)

JJ = Jester’s mini bot:D

Well now after that i expect to see more teams doing this…including team 157… :wink: …this is your poost but what do u do?

2 Goal Grabber
Transfer Complete Weight of Goals
4 Motor Drive-2 drill, 2 atwood
18ft/sec high
2 ft/sec low
1.1 Coefficient of Friction on Tread
Weight with goals is over 500lbs
Takes us a little more then 2 seconds to get to the goals.
Our Turret allows the goals to spin freely if another robot hits them.
We can spin the goals at 30rpm

Good Luck to Everyone and we look forward to seeing you all in Florida!!

Team 64 the Gila Monsters

Double goal grab
Very fast
two drill 40:1
two chiapua 10:1
Very manueverable
all wheel swerve drive
~15 ft/sec
Go home device

double goal capabilities, maneuverability not yet tested with two. okay maneuverability with one.

upright ball basket, loaded by human players, dumps into goal, 7-9 balls

two drill motor drive train 2:1 ratio. locked in low gear, 5 fps. good traction (thanks 254).

working on tether (to build there, of course…)

AZTECHS 157 we can pickup balls and grab one goal

Team 48 Delphi E.L.I.T.E.
(Encourage Learning in Technology and Engineering)
Delphi and Warren G. Harding H.S.
Warren, OH
Team Established: 1998 (5th season)

Robot Name - Xtremachen5

Season Highlights:

  • Leadership in Control Award Winner, Canadian Regional.
  • 2 Seed, Canadian Regional. Regional Semi-Finalist.
    (92.88 QPA, 9 matches played, 141 QP twice).
  • Chosen as 8 Seed alliance partner at Buckeye Regional.


  • Extremely maneuverable single goal grabber/ball loader

  • Robust Drive System - Excellent balance of speed and torque

Four wheel drive (2 Chiapua, 2 Drill). Four wheel independent steering. Can switch from front/back to side/side movement on the fly. Signature move - turning around the center of an attached goal. Gyrochip-enabled SmartSteer system enables straight line driving at high speeds. '02 Canadian Regional Leadership in Control Award for our “Xtremster” Drive System

Four 3" wide neoprene rubber tires provide great traction with little chance of carpet damage

  • Very strong and reliable single goal grabber

Pneumatically-actuated 1/4" Lexan grippers lock onto a goal and don’t let go. Double solenoid, dual-cylinder system allows for active goal capture and release. Frame-integrated docking station helps secure goal and maintain proper alignment. Aluminum ramps transfer goal weight onto robot for added traction.

  • Unique Ball Launching system

Motor-driven roller system feeds balls to 1800 RPM flywheel, which launches them directly into the goal. Custom circuit board provides tachometer feedback to Robot Controller for improved flywheel performance. Passive Lexan bar spreader easily parts the goal bars and acts as a ball funnel, greatly adding to our loading success rate.

  • NEW FOR CHAMPIONSHIP EVENT - Dual endzone tether

This system will be integrated in Florida, hopefully giving Xtremachen5 the ability to reach out and touch either or both End Zones from the middle of the playing field.

  • Our “secret” weapon :slight_smile: - Patrick, Team 48’s human player

When you need a couple balls scored from 40 feet away, Patrick’s your man. Once he gets in a groove (which is quite often), watch out!

If anyone would like to view some video clips of Xtremachen5 in action, please email me at [email protected]. I’d be happy to send some QuickTime clips to you. Also, feel free to stop by our pit area and visit us in Florida if you have any questions or would like to borrow a tool, need a couple zip ties - anything at all. Look for the extruded aluminum pit wall with the Delphi banner and the red LED display on top.

For those who might be interested, I have attached a picture of Xtremachen5 to this post (see below).

I can’t wait to go down to Florida and see all these great Curie teams in action. Good luck to everyone! See you there!

Travis Hoffman
Engineer and 2nd Year Member of
Team 48 - Delphi E.L.I.T.E., Warren, OH
Encouraging Learning in Technology and Engineering since 1998

Team 238 will be handing out brag sheets to every team at Nationals… See ya ther good luck

Team 56

We have the capabilities listed below:

1 or 2 goal grabbing at our sides.

We made a new part for our ball scoring to get more in a match hopefully in excess of 20+ balls per match.

Possibly a tether.

2 wheel rear drive off drill motors. Aluminum machined wheels.

we have a brake that transfers weight of the robot over it. We have only been moved by one team thus far.

Any Questions? stop by our pit in Florida, we will be busy on thursday just try to find someone who will talk :slight_smile:


TEAM 496
Claim: incredibly maneuverable 1 goal grabber, no loss of performance with goal
Support: Out maneuvered team 358(who can strafe)
Claim: Best Extension arm in SBPLI
support: 18 feet, deploys in less then 3 seconds, ask anyone at SBPLI about our arm.
Claim: We have an incredibly robust and durable robot
Support: Zero maintenance durng all of SBPLI, no high contact damage sustained (but we sure tried), only repair was had to replace a limit switch after a robot tried to climb over us.
Claim: Incredible Braking System
Support: Immovable in bench conditions by 2 test robots, 358 and one other one. In field unmoved by any robot there, with the exception of one team who did manage to spin us.
Claim: Excellent goal grabber
Support: Our strength and success lies in that we can grab and release goals quickly and easily. We can adapt to changing scenarios and make things happen.
Claim: One of the best Robots and Teams around
Support: 2001 (Rookie Year) Drafted by #1 seed at SBPLI, GM industrial design award
Support: 2002 Earned #1 seed at SPBLI, Motorola Quality Award.

What teams can boast 6 trophies in their first 2 years? Not many, if any. Ask anyone at SBPLI about the quality or performance of our bot, please. Also tremendous driving. Can’t be quantified but a skilled driver can make success work with any partner against any opponent, which we did 10 out of 10 times. That’s right undefeated in qualification matches at SBPLI. One last note, our robot doesn’t have 2 speeds, we can’t travel at 65 and 2 fps but we move quickly enough, and we can push the goal at full drivetrain speed. I ask that teams scout carefully to see if 2 gear goal grabbers can actually push the goal in their high gear. If they don’t have enough torque at that high speed then they must move very slowly with the goal.Demand Torque at Speed. and then come see us give it to you.

Team 343 Metal in Motion’s robot Manuel Overdrive:
Two orthogonal(90 degrees from each other) drive systems. (come by the pit to see)
Two speeds forward and back.
One high torque speed side to side.
Moving diagonal sums the torque from the two drive systems.
Two goal grabber.
Very effective Goal latches, latch on the fly, unlatch on command.
Weight transfer system transfers goal weight to the robot for traction.
“Pogo stick” locking device holds position on command
—We too can spin with two goals at 30 RPM.

Winning alliance at Kennedy 2002
Winning alliance at St Louis 2002


My name is Vin, and I am the co head of scouting for our team. Although our laptop for scouting is fried thanks to sugar content of mountain dew, we are still able to scout. Please come by our pit and we’ll make available any or all information available to you.
See you in Nationals.