Hey this is the place for all Curie Division teams. Discuss strategies with fellow division teams and make new friends.
Also let’s all try to get together to make the largest cheering section at Nationals. Our team has a ton of cheers to use. Let’s make it the loudest Nationals yet.
Also, shout out to SVR alliance members, 47 and 114. Let’s try to meet up again since we are in the same division.
man I wish we were in this division… But we are in newton… You guys are going to have a tough division… Between 47, 1114, 61 (just to name a few) man… Thats going to be crazy… Look for me wit 100% tie-dye and over 250 buttons because I gotta see you guys rock out on the field…
I just want to let everybody know that Nationals is going to be a lot of fun, and I cannot hardly wait! I wish everybody (especially in the Curie Division) the best of luck at Nationals!
I am also glad to see that Teams 126, 166, and 175 will be staying at the OMNI with us (hopefully I have not missed anybody)! Maybe we can do something fun at the hotel or something.
I hope we get that overly enthusiastic announcer that does flying kicks and punches when introducing the teams for matches like last year (I think he dyes his hair blue).
Mark Leon is his name. He does all of our West Coast regionals and more. Probably the most enthusiastic announcer in all of FIRST with his boxing-fight style team introductions and his somersaults (did one during the break-dancing competition at SVR).
The deciding colors of NYC Reg. will be re-united in the curie division
BTW: For all you west coast teams. Us East coasters will be kidnapping Mark Leon so that he may bring excitment to our part of the States. This is a negotiable Kidnapping. 60 Dozen Krispy Kremes Donut Combinations must be put together in individual baggies. Upon Receipt of KK.you will recieve Mark Leon and is crazy tactics in making the regionals the best place to be. Dunkin Donuts will not be accepted!!! :]
Good or bad news depending on how you look at it: 967 (my team!) has been in the winning div. for two years straight. I always got a funny feeling at nats that the div. would win and I am having it again. :ahh: 967 is the only St. Louis winner in our div. from the alliance so it should be interesting seeing all the diferent teams. Isn’t 233 really pink?
YAY CURIE!!! Someone from Curie will WIN THE NATIONALS!!! YAY! Team 1114 is in our division (hopefully another alliance). This is my first nationals (we qualified for the finals last year but weren’t allowed to go because of a travel ban by our school board) Well, it’s going to be AMAZING.
we’re going to have so much fun at nationals!! its my first year on the team and i’m sooo excited; i cant wait! good luck to everyone (not just teams in Curie division but to teams in all of them!) but realize that this isnt really about winning or losing, but just having a great time with your newfound friends and celebrating how much you’ve accomplished in such a short time. i think everyone who even has had some sort of part in robotics is already a winner… it means you’re making the right decisions in life and youre destined for greatness.
and going off of what CrazyBear said… Curie division: prepare to behold the power of PINK!!!
Out of curiosity, did anyone read the post about the psychological affects of different colors? Apparantly, the color pink has the ability to calm down even the most aggressive personalities (i.e. prison inmates).