Curious Fame

I have gotten Fame for some interesting things and am still relatively new. I know that some of you have been on here for a long times and must have some interesting ones. I got one with the comment ‘I like your member name!’.
I appreciate this fame as I do all fame. However, I would like to hear from all of you on your most interesting comments from fame. Also, please do not post who gave you the fame, just the comment that came with it.

I think you are referring to the reputation system here in ChiefDelphi.
The green dots?
They are commonly called ‘reps’.

Usually, a person can receive a green rep for contributing to the thread in a positive or productive manner.

I’ve got green reps for bad puns before, that’s kind of fun.

I guess the weirdest rep I got was for my hair :slight_smile:

Most of mine have come from helpful comments, or “insightful” (as in long) posts.

The weirdest one I have gotten was probably for this post, with the comment “very good drawing.” Its always nice to know that you are good at using MS paint in 30 seconds :stuck_out_tongue:

I’d submit the following:

“does a post that includes the words “flamethrower” really need any
explaination for positive rep? I think not.”

i got one for saying that this years game hint will blend

lol, vivek

Hmm… I’v gotten both good and bad.

The good and sometimes strange:

Elgin, your guesswork and insights this season have made it so enjoyable for me. Thank you!

(About the Clue)

idk, that creepy guy elgin? =P thank you for the birthday wishes!

(I’m sure some of you can guess who that was from… or… could guess in 2 guesses. lol


I hate when people confuse MegaBlocks and Legos. Anyone who’s built anything out of MegaBlocks can immediately tell they’re of MUCH lesser quality

(True story! <— Ahahahaha! I’m using FL slang now… oh gg.)

& then my fav’s that are shown in my user cp currently:

Dude, I thought I was the only one who saw that connection! When I first heard the song, that’s all I could think of.

For this post:

OK, “cows & effect” was one I had not thought of. Best laugh of the day!

For this post:

And apparently I haven’t gotten any bad rep in a while, but it does happen. lol
So I have no bad rep to share in that sense. :slight_smile: w00t!

We could fix that if you’re missing it. :yikes: I’m just sayin …