Custom Electronics Box

In the rules, it is stated that a “bud box” must be used to encase a custom-made electronics board. I have not seen this box listed in any of the appendices of the rules book. Where can I find one?

D Oteman

The box you are to use is listed in the additional hardware list. The part number (from Bud Industries) is PN-1324-C.

The box is available from Digikey under the Bud number in the previous post. Be prepared, it is more costly than you think.

Data on the Bud Box PN-1324 may be found at:

Direct links to the engineering drawings for the box itself are:

Enjoy! :smiley:

  • Keith McClary, Advisor, Huron High Team 830 “Rat Pack”, Ann Arbor, MI

*Originally posted by doteman *
**In the rules, it is stated that a “bud box” must be used to encase a custom-made electronics board. I have not seen this box listed in any of the appendices of the rules book. Where can I find one?

D Oteman **

$18.50 at enter PN-1324-C into the SEARCH box on the main page.