Cybersonics 103 - Weekly Vlog

103 will be posting our end of week vlog on this thread as soon as they are live on Youtube. We will talk about weekly progress, a tip of the week and a a guest of the day!

Week 1:

Week 2:

Thanks for watching guys! :slight_smile:

Week 3 Vlog Spot can be found here!
Thanks for watching guys. :slight_smile:

Week 4’s Vlog is up! Check it out below :slight_smile:

Week 5 is up!
Check it out…

Also, check out the team’s new Blog here…

Week 6 Vlog.

Last vlog for build season 2012, but look out for competition vlogs! :smiley:

We have a recap vlog up! Be on the lookout for vlogs from Championships! :smiley: