I can’t get our driver station to detect our new wireless bridge. The steps I took for setting it up was just to go to http://dlinkap (I don’t remember but something like that) and then I launched the wireless setup stuff while it was connected to the laptop of course. I have the switch set to auto and the bridge is in port 1 if that matters. Other than that everything works fine when the robot is on a wired connection.
Do you know about this site: http://www.usfirst.org/roboticsprograms/frc/content.aspx?id=18530? I ask because I don’t remember anything like “httyp://dlinkap”
If you haven’t, I think that some specific documents that might help you are
How to Configure your cRIO (makes sure you’re computer’s IP is right)
How to Set Up your Driver Station
and How to Configure your Radio
The D-link needs to be in AP mode to talk to the classmate in the lab. Bridge mode is used for competitions. This thread is helpful in talking about some setup issues: http://www.chiefdelphi.com/forums/showthread.php?t=89280&highlight=d-link
The directions are on the FIRST website that CodeMonkeyMatt pointed you to, not the D-Link website.
Just one note to add: When you plug into the radio, you can go one of two ways to get to the website - either the IP address method in the document, or http://dlinkap. They’ll both get you to the same place - D Link added a small bit of complexity to enable that on their devices to make everyone’s lives easier (most people understand a web address like http://dlinkap, while they can be confused by an IP address).
Ah, I didn’t know that and misunderstood.
Thanks for the shortcut!
Is there a corresponding “dlinkbr”?
make sure your laptops wireless ip is 10.xx.yy.50
xx.yy= team number
example ::rtm::
Do you have to set the ip address as fixed on the development laptop? Its not obtained via DHCP from the DLINK?
Do you have to set the classmate’s wireless address too? Should it be set to 10.x.x.5 like last year?
Do you have to press the button on the dlink when trying to connect?
If you don’t have DHCP service enabled on the DAP, you’ll have to set a static IP address on your development computer. It would probably be best to enable DHCP, telling it to give out addresses starting at 10.x.y.10 or so.
Do you have to set the classmate’s wireless address too? Should it be set to 10.x.x.5 like last year?
The Driver Station app should take care of setting the address. Yes, 10.x.y.5 is correct.
Do you have to press the button on the dlink when trying to connect?
Never press the button. If it’s anything like the older WGA, it’s all about “easy” wireless security. You’ll most likely end up with security enabled and an unknown WPA password. One of the first things we did was put a shield over the button so it doesn’t get hit by accident.
Our team is having similar problems in that we’re having trouble connecting to our D-Link router wirelessly, but the difference is that we cant even get into the router settings. We type in dlinkap as well as and that hasn’t been working either. We’re not sure what we can really do at this point. We keep the settings on bridge generally, but it doesnt work under AP either. But when under AP and (very oddly) the router is connected to the internet, it is able to ping the cRIO, but not actually doing anything with it in the control station.
Ok we have everything working on our classmate computer now, but now I can’t connect to it with a regular laptop. I need to so I can put the labview code on to the crio
If you can’t get your programming computer to communicate with the other devices, perhaps its IP address is not set to match your network.
I followed the entire guide posted for frc and it seems as though my classmate is the only thing that can connect to it. I also tried putting the ethernet cord directly into port 1 and into the my laptop and the laptop won’t detect the cRio now when it did before I put the dlink on there. I don’t understand how those two even correlate.
If your laptop has multiple network cards (wireless, Ethernet) the wrong one could be setup. It could be trying to go out over the wireless when it should be using the Local LAN.
- If you are wiring directly turn off every NIC except for “Local LAN…”
*]Change the Local LAN IP address/netmask to what they are supposed to be, or just make sure they are correct.
I disabled all of them except the lac and it detects the router, but when I hit run as start up in labview it just gives me the failed to connect to real time target error
Make sure your LabVIEW project settings contain the correct IP address for your cRIO. You’ll see the target address in parentheses after the “RT CompactRIO Target” line in the Project Explorer window. If it’s not what it should be (i.e., fix it by right-clicking and changing the properties.
Yeah it’s set to but that doesn’t seem to be the problem. It was already like that and I could deploy the code, but it hasn’t worked since I set up the router. I am plugged directly into the robot though not the router.
That was a trick question. It should be
as in:
RT CompactRIO Target (
Thanks for watching my back, Mark.
In order to set up the router, you had to change the IP address of your computer. Did you remember to change it back? You probably want to set it to or higher.
Yeah this was the problem i had as the 192.168 etc.