Using CAN, I have one Talon SRX hooked up and working. I am looking to daisy chain a second Talon SRX up to the first. How do I do this in order to get it to work properly?
You can plug the CAN wires from the second Talon into the other CAN wires from the first Talon.
You’re going to also need to go to internet explorer (not chrome) and go to the RoboRIO’s web server (it would be 10.TE.AM.2 or roboRIO-####-FRC.local)
Go to the Talon under devices (you’ll probably only see one) and change the CAN ID to another number (starting from 0)
It’s actually just as easy to use NiMax if you have it installed.
You can find information on the ctr-electronics website for talon motor controllers-
Here is the manual, page 10 has a good picture of how to wire the talon motor controllers together. I recommend reading the entire manual, For fun ;).’s%20Guide.pdf
When setting your talon id make sure that all of your talons have different id numbers or else they will blink red, when all the ids are set correctly they should be orange.