Can you continue to score boulders after the tower is damaged?
I’ll answer a question, with a question…
Have you found a rule that says you can’t??
I don’t recall any rule stating otherwise. Also, it would put a harsh score ceiling if you couldn’t go beyond a certain number of points in the tower.
(In the event that you didn’t find where in the manual it says this, try checking under 3.3 Scoring, specifically around Penalty Assessment, where it says
read the rule book:yikes: :yikes: :yikes:
haha me two! xD
With all the fouls that can be adding strength back into the tower you better get 8+++ balls scored.
Alternatively… Don’t tech foul. We made it through our entire NYC regional without a single foul from us or our alliance partners in 2014.
As it turns out, going over common fouls with an alliance partner before the match works works wonders.
I personally have not fully absorbed this part only briefly. This is my rookie year in First. It’s on a long list of things to do. We have a team working on this as well. I feel as if I should have a grasp on them too.
Buddy, I’m going into my 7th season, and I still don’t think I have a grasp on this entire concept. I just know I walked into a wood shop my freshman year and haven’t found a way out yet.
Post when you have questions, make friends all over the net, and soon you’ll feel quite at home. We were all in your shoes before, and we’re all happy to help you out.
Ah yes, the FRC Labyrinth.