Dashboard alteration in Java and setting start up programs

My question is twofold when it comes to using the Java development system as my team is.

  1. How do you burn a Java program to the cRIO as the startup program? My team hasn’t been able to figure this out. Can you even do that yet? Is it as simple as building a project in a certain way and importing it into LabView somehow to use with the NI burning tool?

  2. I know the Dashboard VI can be altered to make it fit your teams needs more. However, I also know that the Dashboard is heavily based on LabView. When using Java, is it possible to alter the Dashboard VI and have a way in the Java API to send data to the LabView API to output in real time vs having to use println statements? I know the DashboardLCD class can be used to output text to the Dashboard, but we want to be able to use controls, etc.

  1. Any time you do a “Run” of your robot program from netbeans you are “burning the code” to the cRIO. Once you have the cRIO imaged with the current version (currently v19), you don’t need to use any labview tools to develop/deploy Java robot apps.

  2. The short answer is “yes”. Check out the sample apps in File/New Project under “Samples”/FRC Sample. Then check the docs and forums for additional info.

  1. So once I deploy code, it’s on there. Therefore, the latest code should just start going if I log on to the Driver account on the Classmate and connect to the robot at any point in time? Awesome!

  2. Create a new project in LabView or in NetBeans? I know the Dashboard class for Java can put text on the Dashboard VI, but does it also interact with the GUI stuff?

>>> 2) Create a new project in LabView or in NetBeans?

In NetBeans. Good luck!