Dashboard Camera Vision Processing Issues

My situation is very complicated so I try to make it as easy as possible.

We have a camera on our robot and want to have it on our dashboard once with the real image and once with a vision processing filter.

So we created a vision.vi and tried to split the camera input in the dashboard main.vi to the 2 camera image displays.

1.The camera image without vision processing works perfect, but the 2nd image shows nothing.

  1. The Vision.Vi is not the issue, we created a separate vi without FRC dashboard and there the camera image gets filtered and displayed perfectly.

So I am assuming that there is an issue with the dashboard input or output of the vision, but I do not know where. I include images of the dashboard main.vi and the vision.vi

Please help me!

The second image shows “nothing”, meaning completely black? You’re probably trying to view a threshholded binary image (consisting of 0 and 1 pixels) in an indicator that has a color palette where 0 and 1 are almost indistinguishably dark.

Change the properties of the indicator to have a binary palette instead.

No, it does not even show black. It is just the area of the camera, with the slightly lighter gray in the background. I am pretty sure that nothing even arrives to the dashboard.

Your vision.vi is broken, as shown by the fractured “run” arrow. Click on the arrow and it will present a list of errors that you need to address.

Changed the Display Palette on the Dashboard Main.Vi to Binary as you described it before. Works perfect! Thank you very much!