Dashboard indicators

I know this might be a stupid question, but how do you use the various displays on the dashboard? How do you make the gyro update the compass heading, for example? I can get the camera feed, but nothing else.

BTW, I’m using Java on NetBeans 6.8. Attached is a photo indicating which portions aren’t working.

The dashboard is tied to robot I/O. The sample code assumes that you’ve mounted the gyro and attached it to channel one on module one.

Greg McKaskle

Have you looked at the Circle Tracker Demo project?

You also need to be careful and check that the code which polls the various other devices on the cRio like the PWM’s, digital I/O and analog I/O are not commented out.

I don’t know if java is the same but when I was working this issue with C++, most of the code that would actually make the dashboard read the cRIO positions was commented out for us and replaced with arbitrary constants.