This just recently started happening. When we download log files from the RoboRio, whether stored on the rio or a USB drive, and view it in AdvantageScope, it is essentially empty until the very very end. If we use an odometry tab, it has red across the whole top showing that it was disabled the whole time and the time stamps show negative second until that very end. None of the values show up in the tree on the left until the very end either. So it seems like network tables isn’t working or something. If we “connect to robot” in advantage scope to see live data, it works totally fine. Any ideas on what could be wrong?
That’s definitely not the intended behavior. Can you upload a log file where you’re seeing this happen? You’ll need to put it in a zip archive to upload to Chief Delphi.
Here you go. Thanks for taking a look. (1.0 MB)
It looks like the issue is that NetworkTables recorded negative timestamps for several fields, expanding the range of values to display. This is likely because the values were set during a previous run of the robot code, and the timestamp synchronization results in a negative timestamp when reconnecting to the robot. For the next release of AdvantageScope, I added logic to realign any negative timestamps to zero so that the range appears correctly.
My team experienced a similar issue to this, and it ended up being because we had another computer connected to the robot via Shuffleboard that didn’t disconnect despite the laptop being closed/sleeping and the robot being power cycled multiple times. Once we closed Shuffleboard to halt the NT connection, and restarted robot code, the negative timestamped data went away.