Dead IR Receiver Module

Hey everyone,
We were working with our TinyIR2 IR module that FIRST sent us, and it seems as though the IR module has failed. The symptoms are as follow:
-The board DOES power up
-The board DOES go into program mode (press the button for 2 sec. and release)
-The out0 LED DOES NOT flash in program mode when an IR remote sends a signal.

We tested the remote visually (pulled out the camera phone and shot the IR beam at it…the camera shows a nice purple hue coming from the remote) and even tried several different remotes. I hooked an oscilloscope to the signal output from the IR module and there is no pulse when an IR signal is sent from the remote. We have been running the board from 12V off the circuit breaker panel. Does anyone have any suggestions? Has this happened to you? Also, are there any suggestions for making the ribbon cable more robust?

Have you checked the +5vdc regulator on that board?
Dozens of posts on this problem. Please search.
Blown regulators are common, mostly caused by reverse polarity.

Yes, I did check that the output from the voltage regulator block was 5VDC. If that voltage regulation circuit had been blown, I doubt that all of those other components I listed would work properly.

I fixed it. As it turned out, It was the IR receiver module. I desoldered the old one and put in a new one that I bought at RadioShack.