Unfortunattely, all of a sudden, my RCX 2.0, stopped functioning. :ahh:
It doesent even goes on and off.
The batteries are new.
I’ve tried to unlocking it by removing the batteries and holding the on/off button until I hear a beep as lego mentions, but nothing happens, no beep for me.
I would like to ask if there is a way to unlock the RCX.
I already opened it and it seems nothing’s wrong inside…
Double check internals. Specifically: Loose/broken connections, burn/scorch marks, internal fuse (if there is one).
Other than that, I’d say you’re screwed. Did you connect something to it that fried it? Very rarely these things happen out-of-the-blue; they’re usually provoked.
I assume you’ve tried the obvious stuff, like pull the batteries out (let it sit for a while before putting them back in), done it in a pitch black room, etc. Gee, wish I had that many.
Oh, yeah. Do they respond to the LEGO remote control? Just out of curiousity.
they don’t respond to any kind of IR, including the remote. i have not tried it in a pitch black room, but other RCXs work in the same setting, and one RCX used to and then stopped. i could understand if we dropped one and it stopped working or something, but all 3 have the same problem - just the IR. i dont get it.
while i have no idea why you guys’ rcxs dont work, i have a problem of my own.
my ir tower isnt working… or maybe sumthing else.
whats wrong, is that when i try to download a program tothe rcx, i cant. well. i could, but only if the program is REALLY short. like at max i got to dl was 5 blocks. (im using rcxc1.5) 5 blocks of the normal green ones. no “if” blocks.
i have no idea why it dls small programs but not large ones. it used to work on my old computer, but with this new laptop im using, it just isnt working.
any ideas? anyone? help?
oh, and it isnt the rcx. i have two 1.5s and one 1.0 with the same results.
The batteries are new.The polarity is correct.
I 've never load anything in the RCX, it was brand new, I only turned it on and off a few times and then when I tried to put it in a contstruction I’ve made, I pushded downwards, then I’ve heard a long beep, and it never went on again!..
I’ve already checked the internals…Everything looks fine in there…
I 've never connected anything to my rcx…
It seems that is locked someway…
I’ve removed the batteries for 24 hours, put them back, but still no operation…
There is no fuse inside the circuit…
I was wondering if there is an unofficial way, by shortcircuiting something e.g. or by applying external power to the board, to rivive it…
It is very odd, but the RCX stopped functioning out of the blue… :ahh:
I’ve also tried to hold on pressed the on/off button while removing the batteries, it supposed to hear a beep and unlock the RCX as a troubleshooting guide of lego said, but nothing happened…no beep, nothing at all… :yikes:
I’ve already done that, they told me that in 1 or 2 weeks time they will send me a new rcx, but I was wondering if there’s a way to put back in life the old one.
If one rcx is ok, then i suppose two of them are great!
no, ive tried in a dark room, and also with making kinda like a tunnel between the tower and the rcx with white paper. same results…
its the com tower but im using a usb to serial adapter because my laptop doestn have any serials. the tower is using a brand new 9v battery. how do i check the cable?
the computer port(the usb one) works great with everything else ive used it for, like thumbdrives
Well, we all know how well USB-serial converters worked for the FRC/Edubot controllers.
I think you’ll need to get a computer with a serial port to download. The USB and COM towers work differently, specifically the COM tower shuts down and has to be woken up again, where as the USB stays on the entire time it is plugged in. If you configured the LEGO software to work with the USB tower, then that’s your problem. (I think)
we do? i dont… but im guessing they didnt work too well?
I think you’ll need to get a computer with a serial port to download. The USB and COM towers work differently, specifically the COM tower shuts down and has to be woken up again, where as the USB stays on the entire time it is plugged in. If you configured the LEGO software to work with the USB tower, then that’s your problem. (I think)
hmm. the only thing is, that it works with the small programs… if it didnt work at all, itll be somewhat more explainable.
i havent configured the lego software, i dont think,. is there a way to?
The small program thing actually makes sense though. The COM tower will just shutdown if it isn’t kept alive (I thought that the mere act of sending data to it would do that, but maybe not.), so after the first 5 seconds of transfer, it gets turned off. If it’s a small program, it gets sent in that time. Otherwise, it gets interrupted and the RCX erases what it did have, because there’s no point in keeping the incomplete program.
I just talked to greencactus3 on AIM.
It seems also to me that there is a problem not being switched to Serial Tower.
He did clear out the RCX of all programs using the Reformat thing.
If it takes little programs there can’t be a problem with the USB to Serial converter or not being on the right COM port
I do not have the software in front of me could someone tell him how to switch to Serial using RIS 1.5??
The serial tower stays on for 3 seconds after the last transmit, during which it can recieve messages. It is woken up when you send data. There is a hack to make it stay on when the RTS pin is on.
In RIS 2, it’s in the options screen, or when you install the software. If it isn’t there and the help file won’t tell you, it might not support USB (Though the drivers for the COM/USB thing should set up a virtual COM port).