Deadline for money for Championship

Someone on my team just let us know that the money for the Championship is due Tuesday. Is the money due Tuesday if you were a regional winner, because some of the regionals have not taken place yet and so those teams would not have paid. Can someone fill me in?

I do not believe it is Tuesday because they will wait till all regionals have taken place yet. I would also like to know when the official date is though


Consult this list. It lists April 6th as the payment due date for teams qualifying for the Championship during the season, not March 6th.

If there are other questions, have your main contact call FIRST HQ, or e-mail [email protected].

You have until the Tuesday after YOUR regional to arrange payments with FIRST. There was something about a monday too but I think that is for shipping. You might want to take a look at FIRST E-mail blast archive for more information about this years process. Also, a quick look in the manual wont hurt either.

By 5PM EST on the Tuesday following a regional in which you qualify at, you must contact FIRST Finance with payment information in the form of either a check, a credit card, a purchase order from school, or a commitment letter from your sponsor. However, in the case of either a purchase order or a commitment letter, you do not need to pay it until sometime before 4/06/07.


From this FIRST E-mail Blast:

IMPORTANT You must both register and make payment arrangements by 5:00 pm EST Tuesday following your event. If you fail to do so, we can not guarantee your spot.

Alright guys, thanks for all of your help. We are going to talk to our main sponsor tomorrow and see what we can do. We will find a way.