Dean's House

I get a popular engineering magazine, Design News, delivered to me at work (subscriptions are free, by the way). I also receive emails from the magazine with links to different online articles and advertisements. One I received today had a link to an article on Dean’s house and the display of old machines and engineering toys there, which included a number of pictures. There are pictures of his house, his basement workshop…his giant paddlewheel steam engine (every home should have one, right?).

To see the article, go here.

The last time I was at Dean’s house, about 5-6 years ago, the steam engine was about half assembled. I have the opportunity to go back this year and see the completed display. One thing that I saw the last time was some of the original artwork of his father Jack Kamen. There are several origional panels from his work on “Creepshow” comic books. I also like the concept of stepping into his machine shop from the living room. I can’t seem to get my wife to buy into that possibility for my own home. :smiley:

I had the privilege of going last year. It was an incredible experience. Mark McLeod was kind enough to act as a tour guide for me, helping explain a lot of the displays. I was fascinated with the floor that handles the weight of the steam engine. The steam engine was incredible but the planning that went into the flooring was inspiring as well.

The shop and the library were two of my favorites. I would have loved to have been able to spend a little while in the library but somehow felt I was intruding.

It’s only intruding when you go through the secret passage way on the 2nd level of the library!!

Let’s see who’s the first to respond with WHERE THIS SECRET PASSAGEWAY LEADS TO?

a secret passageway?!?!