Deans List Award Submission from 2 teams at once

Hey there! This is my first time being nominated as the Dean’s list nominee, and my mentors are a little bit confused.

I am an active member at 2 teams which are really close to eachother (mutual mentors etc.) and our mentors are thinking of submitting with me at both teams.

I’ve read the Deans List Award Guide and the page but I couldn’t find any recourses answering if I could submit to both teams with different essays/same essay. We got in contact with local FIRST members and they don’t have any information too. They told us to check if we could submit on dashboard and we can.

We don’t want to risk the award for both teams and do something that’s not allowed. Any idea/information that would help us?

Are these two teams sibling teams? The following guidance is from the Sibling Team documentation:

If I am nominating a student for Dean’s List, which roster should they be on?
Students should be on the roster for the team in which they were nominated on. If a student was
nominated on both teams, they must be on the roster for the team that selected that event as
their interview location.

My understanding from that blurb is that you can be nominated by two teams, but only once at a given event (i.e. you can’t double interview or get twice the chance at one event).

If you want to be sure, email [email protected] for clarification.