Dean's List Outreach Program

I am thinking of starting some sort of program where Dean’s List semi-finalists or finalists from the same year or years can re-connect with each other. Recently, I created a forum where the semi-finalists from my district (myself included) can hang out and talk with each other, since it is unlikely that we would be seeing each other in person in the same place ever again. I go to a sports camp where the majority of the kids and counselors aren’t even from the same state the camp is in, so I use text threads and things like that to communicate with them. It wouldn’t be too much of a hassle for me to set something up.

To quote one of the NE semi-finalists directly: “that makes me so happy I thought I would never hear from the majority of you guys again :weary:

Would all of you previous Dean’s List people be interested in this if I were to set something up?


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