Dean's List - Pointers/Advice?

Hello everyone!

I am 1 out of the two people nominated for Dean’s List this year by my FTC Coach, and honestly, I’m wondering what to expect, and what would I emphasize while talking to the judges, as well as how the interviews normally go? Mine is in January, and I could use all the help I can get.

I’m on two FIRST teams, an FTC and an FRC Team, and I also mentor a FLL team. I participated in FLL for a year, and just got back into FIRST last year (I am in 10th grade). I am the Non-Technical Team Lead and Team Co-Lead on my FTC team, and I am on the electrical subteam on my FRC Team.

What else would be useful to mention during the interview? Thank you all so much!!

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This thread may answer your questions.

Hi Ak

Thank you so much for replying!! That thread was actually also created by my fellow team member, who is the other person my coach nominated for dean’s list :)), we’re both trying to get as much information as possible, so will def be using the information from that thread!!

hello fellow team member!!

In addition to that thread, there is a painful plethora of related threads. Consider searching for “Dean’s List.”

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