Dean's List?

I may be completely missing this, but I can’t find the results for Dean’s List anywhere on the FIRST website. Does anyone have these results for those of us that weren’t able to make it to St. Louis this year?

I second this. I’ve been looking for at least an hour now to find anywhere where they might be posted.

I don’t quite remember everyone’s names but all of us 10 winners were present.

Below is a group shot taken by one of my team members

It’s most likely that they will not update them fully until sometime way later evening tomorrow; if at all.

I’m attempting to decipher blurry numbers from the photo lol

I’ll post back later.

I know that the girl in the middle wearing yellow is Jasmine Kemble from 2996. Past that, I’m not actually there… :frowning:

John Rangel from 842 (fourth from left)

Go Falcons!

Just heard Matt Ricks from Team 704 won! Congratulations Matt! You have definitely earned it. His picture is on the left and is Matt704 on Chief Delphi (

Here is the current list, I’m more than halfway through so far:

FRC1912 Rachel H. from Bayou
FRC1540 Marina D. from Autodesk Oregon
FRC704 Matthew R. from Dallas
FRC3059 Ikechukwu C. from New York City
FRC3138 Danielle G. from Queen City
FRC3196 David G. from North Carolina
FRC842 John R. from Arizona
FRC 1058 Tj (Tristan) E. from BAE
FRC2996 Jasmine K. from Colorado

I have only ONE missing name now! Someone please help me out!!!

Thanks for the updates!

I was curious, too, because I was a finalist but I was not able to attend with my team (599 the Robodox) this year.

Congratulations to all the winners!!! :slight_smile:

You are missing Chase Douglass from Team 128 ~ The Botcats of Grandview Heights High School (Grandview Heights, OH).

Crystal finally got it yesterday; she just didn’t update the CD list, we have it on the website and the Facebook group.

FRC1912 Rachel H. from Bayou
FRC1540 Marina D. from Autodesk Oregon
FRC704 Matthew R. from Dallas
FRC3059 Ikechukwu C. from New York City
FRC3138 Danielle G. from Queen City
FRC3196 David G. from North Carolina
FRC842 John R. from Arizona
FRC 1058 Tj (Tristan) E. from BAE
FRC2996 Jasmine K. from Colorado
FRC128 Chase Douglass from Ohio

This is the best picture we have. Does anyone else have a better one?

Congradulations to all the Dean’s List Winners

Ok i’m a bad parent, does anyone have video of the Dean’s List ceremony? or any part of it?

I’ll see if I can get it to you; one of the Dean’s List alum took some video and posted it up on FB.

rachel found the ceremony on you tube