Dean's Speach

Hey I was wondering if any of you knew where I could download a video of dean’s speach. Thanks in advance.

*Originally posted by Thorin *
**Hey I was wondering if any of you knew where I could download a video of dean’s speach. Thanks in advance. **

Closing ceremonies are available at

…if that’s the speech you’re speaking of.

I started to video tape Dean… I then realized that I did not have enough battery to keep my camera on. The two drivers sitting next to me(in the section for teams to sit and have members to recieve awards in) timed Dean somewhere near 20 minutes…

Yea thats the speach but how would i just dl his 20 min speach and not the whole archived finals?

*Originally posted by Thorin *
**Yea thats the speach but how would i just dl his 20 min speach and not the whole archived finals? **

You wouldn’t, unfortunately, and I’m not certain when he began speaking.