Dean's Speech at Kickoff

Personally, I was a little worried at the way Dean was talking during Kickoff. Does anyone have any theory behind him obviously being upset about something?

I think that his speech about the meaning of FIRST was very moving, and after such powerful words it was upsetting to see him choke on his words. Maybe I was exaggerating it a bit, but he was clearly upset about something. Any idea?

I don’t know if he was upset, it seemed to me like he was just so moved by his own speech that he was about to cry.

His speech was great, got to the point. One thing I did pick up on was when he was talking about FIRST being a sport and lalala and him not wanting it to get out of hand and everything! The thing that went of in my mind is how Battle Bots is used as a sport and TV coverage and all of that! I dunno! I could be going crazy!