Default Camera Calibration

Disclaimer: Rookie Team Problem

Our camera’s servos move to an awkward default position whenever we power it up (offcenter to the left and pointing straight toward the ceiling). We’ve looked through the manual about 100x times and haven’t found any way to calibrate them. When we go through the calibration proceedure listed in the manual, once we start tracking our target the camera gets an error within about 2 seconds. Is there some problem with the default position with the servos? If so, how do we fix it? Has anyone else encountered this problem?

Here’s the Labview error; I have no idea how to interpret it.

VISA Read in Parse Raw Stat>>CMUcam2

Coarse adjustment of the zero position is mechanical. Power up the camera and center the servos (center = 128). Next remove the black philips screw holding the white encoder wheel to the servo. Reposition the axis and put the screw back. Repeat for the second axis. Note that you will probably have to loosen the screw connecting the pan linkage to the mount to remove the encoder wheel on the pan servo. Take your time and DO NOT bend anything.

Fine adjustment is in software. Kevin’s code has a constant that represents the center position for each axis. It is set to 128 by default, Adjust that value after you do some shooting and determine to correct offset. Shoot from a good distance so you can do a fine adjustment.

Good Luck,
Mentor-Team 1296