Does anyone else think this game is going to have a ton of congestion of between the CORAL STATION and and the REEF? I would have expected the CORAL STATION to be protected because of how short the cycles are, but it is not. Imagine 3 robots plus 1 defender all in an area the size of 1/8th the field. Would it be valuable to flood the field with CORAL and have a ground pickup bot such that you no longer need to rely on the CORAL STATION? Putting out a dozen CORAL then pushing them away from the station at the start of the match could create a new lane that only you can access.
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I believe there are two coral stations per alliance, so hopefully there will be less congestion. However, given there is a defender permitted, there still might be congestion at the coral stations.
There’s some wiggle room in what “momentary” and “inadvertent” mean, but generally I think intentionally pushing 12 coral across the field is against G409.
Even with 2 coral stations per side and 1 defense bot, given that it’s likely one team will be scoring and the other receiving game pieces, I feel like that one defense bot could still do a fair amount of work in preventing scoring.
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