Defense in Reefscape

My bad, I should have been more clear on what I meant. Yes, the coral threshold, and with the lowered thing it is pretty easy to get the RP.

might as well pack a tent and some stakes cuz I get the feeling the sources are gonna be a campsite


321 wasn’t the only defense bot in 24 nor was it the only one that won an event. Defense won both the FMA and NE DCMP and I’m sure there are other good examples as well. For looking at examples of defending the HP intake 24 definitely has good examples other than 321


I think the 1 defense bot will help with space. With acceleration being a critical part of this game it’s much more manageable with two robots than three. This is assuming the other team doesn’t send a robot to defend.

yeah but the processor is on the opponents side of the barge so if they see you over there they can knock you into the cages

You would normally only score into the processor on your own side of the field. Scoring into the processor on the other side would give 6 points to other team and then give your human player the chance to shoot the algae in the net for 4 points.

There is some discussion about a strategy of crossing to the other side of the field to score in the opponents processor if you could gain the coopertition point by doing so. Other than that, I don’t see a reason to be anywhere near that processor.

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are you sure? this diagram in the game manual had me thinking the opposite:


I had the same misinterpretation, those are the marked areas where players for respective alliances are permitted to stand. Note the red as it is clearer, the area at the bottom is where the red alliance HP will stand to try to score algae into the net (the red net closest to them), but the processor in front of them is actually on the blue half of the field and where the blue alliance will be scoring the algae. There’s no protection at the processor itself, hence the lack of coloured tape on the field to give a visual clue of which alliance uses that processor.

It’s amazing how much confusion was generated by simply coloring the Processors black instead of red or blue.


They aren’t painted BLUE/RED because they are not protected zones.

In my mind the color of the field element usually shows who it scores points for, while the tape usually indicates whether or not the zone is protected. I guess I never considered it the other way.


Would having the robot block the human player be considered interfering with game play or part of the game???

That would depend on what you mean by that.

For trying to make it harder for the human player to score the algae they received from the processor into the net there I haven’t found a rule that would forbid that.

For trying to keep opponents from scoring in their processor I believe that the only problem would be G421 but, that’s only because the “1 defender at a time” limitation.

*Of course I could be completely wrong and I’m sure that @EricH will immediately correct me if I am. :upside_down_face:

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No the defenders can block pretty much anything they want as long as it is only 1 bot. HP station, processor, or cages but not break any of the zone rules.

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If i’m not mistaken, i’m pretty sure you’re allowed to remove the other alliances coral from their reef. i’m pretty sure I saw something in the rules about that but I could be wrong :man_shrugging:


Ah, darn. Thanks for the correction

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You may have confused coral with algae. There’s no rule against removing algae from their reef, but it’s risky, since you’d be working in their protected zone.