Defense selection

Can someone explain exactly how the defense selection is going to work and which ones you can select. Do you have to select one from Category A, one from category B, and so on? Or can I have both of one Category (i.e, the rough terrain and the rock wall). I have read the manual over and over and it’s not seeming to make sense. Or is this a question for Q & A? Thank you

5.5.10 Selecting Defenses
The specific DEFENSES used during each MATCH are selected by a combination of the audience and the ALLIANCES. One (1) DEFENSE from each of the four (4) DEFENSE groups, A, B, C, and D are on the FIELD each Qualification and Playoff MATCH.

There will always be one defense from each category in your defense line up. The low bar is guaranteed to always be there. Position number 3 is chosen by the audience. Positions 2 , 4, 5 are chosen by you before the match starts.

it is in section 5.10 of the manual. One from each category. So there will never be 2 from the same category on an alliance side at a time. The audience’s selection will be the same for both alliances. What you pick for your alliance does not effect what the other alliance selects for their defense

In essence each complete round the audience selects from TWO defenses in position 3 this rotates round robin so for instance matches start and the announcer has a vote for defense group B (Moat or Rampart?) the audience cheers for each loudest wins…lets say MOAT that goes to Position 3…position 1 is low bar always…now each alliance select(for the next set of matches) always selects from from A, C and D defenses what they want. A card with their selections gets handed in line to opposing alliance and likewise so each knows ahead of time what they are facing as they are waiting to play.

Low bar (P1) and Moat (P3) are now set until all teams play in this round and alliances pick from (A, C and D) (P2,4, 5)

Now we go match after match until we hit another cycle of games after everyone plays a match.

Second game for everyone…

Now the audience selects from new category C group (Drawbridge or Sally Port) they select Drawbridge that goes to Position 3 for both and for next round of matches and each alliance selects their defenses from A, B and D

Then another set audience pics from D

Then another set audience pics from A

Then we are back to B again

Then C

Then D

Then A

Then B

Then C

Then we go home and repeat tomorrow.

Then D

Then A

Then B

Then C

Then D

Then A

Then Finals

So say its a Friday regional the audience votes maybe 8 times and then another 6 times on Sat. Its very exciting and there is much rejoicing minstrels get eaten too.

Thank you, this is much more clear