Defining encoders that are connected to talonSRX

Hi my team uses mag encoders that are connected to the talonSRX for the drivetrain , I want to get the value for the encode but it give me an error when I define the encoder heres my code:

public class DriveTrain extends Subsystem {

  // Put methods for controlling this subsystem

  // here. Call these from Commands.

  public WPI_TalonSRX leftfront = new WPI_TalonSRX(22);

  public WPI_TalonSRX leftback = new WPI_TalonSRX(10);

  public WPI_TalonSRX rightfront = new WPI_TalonSRX(7);

  public WPI_TalonSRX rightback = new WPI_TalonSRX(5);


  SpeedControllerGroup leftmotors = new SpeedControllerGroup(leftfront, leftback);

  SpeedControllerGroup rightmotors = new SpeedControllerGroup(rightfront, rightback);

  DifferentialDrive DriveTrain = new DifferentialDrive(leftmotors, rightmotors);

  public void arcadeDrive(double move , double rotate){

    DriveTrain.arcadeDrive(move, rotate);


  public void tankDrive(double left , double right){

    DriveTrain.tankDrive(left, right);



  public void initDefaultCommand() {

    // Set the default command for a subsystem here.

    setDefaultCommand(new DriveArcade());



what did i do Wrong?

What is the error?

it dosnt recognize this:

Are you getting an error here? Does the code refuse to compile, or does it just not do what it is expected to on your robot?

Also a little tip: Try to organize the CAN IDs of your motor controllers, and make them constant variables. It can help a lot when you organize your code. For example;

public WPI_TalonSRX frontLeft = new WPI_TalonSRX(10);
public WPI_TalonSRX backLeft = new WPI_TalonSRX(11);
public WPI_TalonSRX frontRight = new WPI_TalonSRX(12);
public WPI_TalonSRX backRight = new WPI_TalonSRX(13);

According to the docs, it looks like you need to give it the PID slot ID and the timeout first.

So for example:

leftFront.configSelectedFeedbackSensor(FeedbackDevice.CTRE_MagEncoder_Relative, 0, 100); //CTRE Relative Mag encoder, with PID slot 0, 100 ms timeout.

Oh, and as OroArmor said, you can’t call a method outside of the methods or constructor of a class.

you cant call a method in the body of a class, you have to call it in a method/constructor

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can you explain I am new to java and we dont have a mentor that knows programming

This will cause an error because the class is not initialized

public class Example{

    public void hi(){

This will fix that error

public class Example{
    public Example(){ // This is the constructor

    public void hi(){

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