Definition of Drivers, Coaches & Human Player

A team has asked me to define who are the “Drivers”, the “Coaches” and the “Human” Player.

Drivers: Your robot must be controlled by TWO drivers who must be STUDENTS ( The Game Rule 13 & Robot Rules 14 ) from the school the team represents. Furthermore, the students MUST be actively enrolled students in good standing ( not have graduated last year, currently attending ) in the current school term from the listed school(s).

Human Player: Teams are allowed 1 STUDENT in the human player station. Furthermore, the student MUST be a actively enrolled student in good standing ( not have graduated last year, currently attending ) in the current school term from the listed school(s).

Coaches: Coaches may be either students or adult mentors / engineers / parents or school personel from the team. The number cannot exceed two (2). ( See Game Rule #11, #14 )

Teams may alternate who are drivers / human player or coaches meeting the above specifications. Changes cannot be made once a team has entered the “freeze” portion of the match.