Del mar regional

hello I have been watching and this is what I noticted.

blocking is effective but minimal
lots of null panels.
lots of cargo.
some climbing
nothing during sandstorm
lots of poor team dropped 4 in a row
lots of balls everywhere lots of bumping
no rocket rps.
low forties will win
higest mid 70s

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also all the balls on the side go everywhere

Rain and wind are a real big problem.

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The rain and the wind have been a big problem for the event staff (especially during the sandstorm), but they’ve been handling really well IMO. It hasn’t affected the robots, has it?

Far as I can tell it hasn’t. It may have caused the replay of match 62.

Field fault due to the blue alliance hab zone tape coming all the way off and getting stuck in 359 and preventing them from climbing.

Probably due to the tape getting wet and coming loose.

The fact that no one is going for the rocket ship RP is somewhat disappointing but not entirely surprising - it is not an easy target, after all. That said, if alliance partners can work together, then as long as at least one robot can reach the third level I think it is possible to both get the RP and win the match. Bonus points if there’s also climbers on that alliance.

Teams made a calculation “elevator or not ?” (we chose simply no). Thus its fairly rare to even have designed in the capability to do L2 or L3 rocket and even rarer to do it well. Our calcualtion was to do L1 better + Start and engame better

Defense was always underrated, we found out in QF1 that we 5137 (and 399) were likely the best two defenders at CADM due to respective drivetrain choices (in our case 8" pneumatics and dual omnis). The problem with us being the defender strategy as Captain #8 was we were the #5 in OPR and not scoring beyond sandstorm and climb in QF1 , defense won many games in eliminations we drew a tough draw facing 1 in QF (which we have pulled off before as has our partner Robot Dolphins) . Lots of Blue’s winning due to D…I fully expect the Defense to rule in Eliminations in coming weeks including week 5 in Ventura :slight_smile: see ya there.

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