Agreed. Complex exceptions make it more difficult both to create the document and to verify it. This is why I also suggested a KoP template with prices of common items already included.
I’m not advocating the continued exemption for the KoP, but suggesting a way to make it have a more properly scoped impact if it is kept.
My counter question is: If there is not a price limit, what is the point of a BOM/CAW being an inspection item? To me, this is a better argument for eliminating the BOM/CAW completely, or moving it to a separate prize than for reforming it.
What are you talking about? I don’t recall advocating a reduced individual item cost, nor reading it. In any case, I don’t recall anyone saying that the per-part limit was cumulative. If you put four identical $399 items (perhaps swerve modules?), it’s $1596 on the CAW, but does not violate the $400 per-item limit. As far as I’m concerned, holding that dollar figure constant still means a steadily increasing functionality of item you can use, at least if it’s an electronic or other high-tech item rather than a mechanical one.
This is what I wrote:
OBTW, labor donated by “team members” is already exempt. My suggestion is to BROADEN the donated labor exception, not eliminate it.
And then you greaciously gave a better answer than I probably would:
means to me. Triple Helix sponsors are kept up to date on our news and progress, consulted as advisors, asked to be reviewers of big deliverables, asked to be volunteers at our events, etc. Some even sit on our board of directors. They are a part of our story. We participate in each other’s outreach events. We refer great personnel to one another (new mentors and students to the team, new employees and interns to the sponsor). They are members of our team.
If I decide to provide meaningful support for your team, it means I want to be a part of the awesome things you are doing. Don’t just put me in the “sponsor” box.
The point is that if the relationship is “I donated some dollars, parts, and/or labor, but it didn’t impact my life or the team’s beyond the dollar value of that donation”, this constitutes sponsorship. If the relationship is “I got involved in the team activities, it impacted my life and those of other team members in intangible ways”, this is team membership. I’m baffled as to why your agreement with me is so negatively charged.
, given proper support and infrastructure. Rather than throwing the baby out with the bathwater, I’d like to focus on how to make the CAW a more productive use of time and more powerful tool for the FIRST community.
We also don’t have any way to enforce that teams aren’t starting work before kickoff or that they aren’t falsifying when they bag their robots. Much of FRC is the honor system.
^^ What Sean said.[/quote]