I was just wondering if anyone was interested in having a Delphi chat night, similar to Tigerbolt on Sunday?
I voted yes, mainly because i’m curious as to how slow it will be. I think there’s only been 3-4 people on here at a time. Not too sure how it handles with more than a few people.
IMO: I think we are better of doing it in Tigerbolt. That refreshing thing gets annoying.
Well Eddie, I think you are getting out voted. I like the idea of having a chat here. I’m curious though, 17 people have voted yes but have not suggested a night. Maybe pick a night other than Sunday, so as not to interfere with Tigerbolt chat night. Let’s test this thing out. Afterall, Brandon did make what we asked for, the least we could do is use it. How does Tuesday night sound? Not tonight, of course.
I say yes, but during the seasion. (don’t want to give away any secrets before they have been unvalled. Srry, kan’t spel!) And about the day, i don’t really care. Just as long as the time is after 4:00 pm…
Well, it seems like some people want a chat night (judging by the poll). So what night? I think Sunday is out simply because of Tigerbolt and Friday and Saturday are nights people go out right? So what night? I think many people will be working on robots during the week so I’m stumped. Someone please suggest a day. A good time would probly be around 6 or 7 pm est. depending on whn people eat dinner. Ack! So many factors, makes me wish I payed more attention in math… NOT! Anyway, any ideas?
How about say… Monday 10 pm EST
When is chat at Tigerbolt?
and is it all year or just FIRST season?
Lisa T
*Originally posted by MrsT *
**When is chat at Tigerbolt?
and is it all year or just FIRST season?Lisa T **
I suppose I should answer that. It’s available year-round via http://www.rit.edu/~us1stwww/ That said, there are many times when there aren’t any people in the chat room itself. I believe there has been a general consensus for people to come on Sunday nights (around 8:00 pm I believe). I’m just hoping to get a new website up soon.
*Originally posted by Mike Martus *
**How about say… Monday 10 pm EST **
Sounds good to me. Now what about everyone else? Will it interfere with school stuff?
Sounds good to me too!
(May be half-asleep, but is does sound good!:o )