Hi, I’m new to these forums.
I need some help, I am making a game trainer in Delphi and having a problem writing the correct value to a processes memory.
Here is some souce:
Form1: TForm1;
WindowName : integer;
ProcessId : integer;
ThreadId : integer;
buf : PChar;
HandleWindow : Integer;
write : cardinal;
{$R WindowsXP.RES}
**uses** colors, aboutbox;
WindowTitle = 'GTA: Vice City';
Address = 8223480;
NumberOfBytes = 2;
Banshee = 159;
{$R *.dfm}
**procedure** TForm1.ListBox1Click(Sender: TObject);
**If** ListBox1.Selected [0] **then**
WindowName := FindWindow(**nil**,WindowTitle);
**If** WindowName = 0 **then**
MessageDlg('Vice City must be running. Run it now, and then try again.', mtwarning,[mbOK],0)
ThreadId := GetWindowThreadProcessId(WindowName,@ProcessId);
HandleWindow := OpenProcess(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS,False,ProcessId);
buf^ := Chr(Banshee);
What this program will be doing is editing which car is in a garage in game, in that source the car value is 159 but when I run the program it writes the value 22943 which causes the game to crash. I have the NumberOfBytes correct. I think it’s something to do with
I would like to get it to write the correct values.
Any help is greatly appreciated.