Denso window motors

i’m trying to rebuild my team’s robot from breakaway (nevermind why) and i can’t find exact instructions on how to connect the denso window motors to the power distriution board. I tried googling it but there isn’t much info available. It would be greatly appreciated if someone can provide some sort of instructions or point me to a manual.

power dist diagram for 2010

Ok thanks for the diagram it helped. But now the question is if i should connect the window motors with a spike to the 30A or with a jaguar to the 40A in the Power Distribution Board.

If you want variable speed on the window motor use a victor not a jag. There is a problem with premature shut down if a jag is used. Also be aware that the window motor has locking pins in the motor to worm gear coupler. These can lock and cause problems. They can Be removed.

30A are all you need for a window motor.

Use a Spike if you only want full power or off (forward/backward/off)

Use a Jaguar/Victor if you want variable speed, a la joystick fine control. (slow-medium-fast)

Thanks for the help :slight_smile: got it working