Deploying code from the 2010 driver station - Netbeans

Team 930 currently has their Classmate PC driver station controlling our robot wirelessly with the bridge. However, we aren’t able to actually deploy code from the driver station wirelessly, just run code that was deployed from another laptop and remains on the cRIO. Is it even possible to deploy wirelessly from the driver station, or will it only work with cRIOs that were imaged already? It seems to me as if we should be able to deploy from the classmate PC. Am I right in this assumption?

Yes… you should be able to deploy from the classmate. What problem are you having?

Did you install the updated netbeans plugins on the classmate?

Yes, all of the updates were installed on the Netbeans.

Can you deploy wirelessly from the driver station using the router? If so, you’ll have to set a static IP on the driver station, correct?

Yes… you can deploy wirelessly or wired.

Wireless or not has nothing to do with static IP or not. In general, you want your IP address set based on the FRC control system IP addressing scheme, where the middle two octets are your team number.

We got it working, thanks guys. We were missing a few updates via the cRIO image, the netbeans plugins, and other stuff.