So we have three parallel projects we wanted to test out.
We formatted the cRio for Labview, deployed code, and it worked.
Then we formatted the cRio for Java, and deployed code. Three green lights on the driver station, but NO response from the joysticks. The robot sits fat dumb and unresponsive, even though we have our three green lights on the DS.
Then we formatted the cRio for C++, and deployed code. Two green lights on the driver station, the red light was on ‘no code’. WindRiver sits there forever saying ‘deploying’ in the lower right hand corner of the screen.
We are clueless as to what the issues are.
Any suggestions ???
EDIT: a) task ‘A’ - convince ourselves we truly reformatted the cRio
b) task ‘B’ - make sure we understand what our wired and wireless interfaces on the development pc looks like
For Java, the joysticks not working sounds like a code issue. For C++, it sounds like WindRiver wasn’t set up properly to connect/download code to the cRIO.
What steps have you taken for both. Can you post the code?
You also may need to reconfigure the cRIO each time you switch languages using the software used to reflash the firmware. (You do not need to reformat the cRIO, however, I don’t think)
EDIT: My mistake, I misread your post. Ignore this
Thinking back over the day there may have been an issue with the pc getting confused with the IP address. Both interfaces may have been configured to see the same network.
Re: Java - In Labview you specify that a PWM is associated with a particular module in slot 4 or slot 6. How / where is that done in Java ?
source code would be helpful
and would you require individual PWMs for? In most cases, the electronics have their own classes and all you’d need to specify are the channels.
and make sure you do what zbanks said, format the cRIO to the language you are using