A part of our team is working on the deployment method of the minibot and we were wondering if there were any rules pertaining to this and if so where would they be because we couldn’t find any in the rules
The motors of the robot cannot be turned on until the host bot has released the mini bot. There are no Flywheels allowed, and no stored energy. 12x12x12 is the size limit for the minibot.
All I can think of off the top of my head.
Hope this helps.
you can’t use springs, it has to be lower than 18 inches, pretty basic things ::ouch::
Please show the quotes where these rules are stated. For example, I don’t believe there is any limit on when the motors can be started.
<G19> does say “after deployment” for the conversion of electrical energy into mechanical energy for vertical motion.
To the OP: the deployment (and end game) rules are found in Section 3.1.5 and Section 1.6 of the Game Manual. There are also a number of Q&A responses regarding deployment; see http://forums.usfirst.org/forumdisplay.php?f=1465
The blue box on G19 says: <G19> means that HOSTBOTS are not allowed to launch the MINIBOT up the pole at the TARGET, or otherwise contribute to the vertical movement of the MINIBOT. Energy for vertical movement may not be stored in the MINIBOT before DEPLOYMENT (except that which is contained within the battery and excluding incidental kinetic energy stored in the motors or wheels, but NOT, for example, in a flywheel).
I take this to mean that you can start the mini-bot motors prior to (or during) DEPLOYMENT-- that is where the incidental kinetic energy stored in the motors or wheels comes in. Not sure why they left gears out of the equation though… I guess if you have gearing, you can’t start your motor early!
thanks for the comments idk how i missed that lol guess i should of read a lil bit closer
That is incorrect, it can be deployed up to 30 inches from the ground
2.2.5 The DEPLOYMENT LINE is located on the POST, approximately 18 inches above the top surface of the BASE…The BASE is 12 inches tall.
Ive got a question about minibot deployment as well dose the mini bot have to stay in the 121212 starting configuratuon or can it extend
::rtm:: certainly applies here. This question is answered twice in the Manual. <G41> lists the violation as a disablement of the tower, or if not deployed on a tower, the alliance’s highest scoring tower isn’t counted. <R91> also gives the dimensions with a “no larger” warning.
I thoutht so but was worth a shot
Yes, but the base of the tower is 12 inches high. 18+12=30, so he was right
I hope to have a more definite minibot constructed soon. It may well be smaller or shorter than 12" in one or more dimensions. At that point my question will be “can I extend to the 12-inch limit in every direction during the end game?” Right now I’m guessing that extending upward is the equivalent of the sprinter leaning into the tape at the finish line. Without a camera at the top of the pole, it will be hard to gauge if a minibot goes to 13,14, 15 inches for a quarter second. Particularly if it is an open-framed affair of some complexity.
where in the rules does it say we can’t use springs??
Also see <R92>–you have to use rubber bands or surgical tubing if you want springs, and you can’t use them for vertical motion.
So wat if we use springs to deploy something to align the minibot??
Then they need to either be on the hostbot or made of rubber bands and surgical tubing, due to <R92>.
Can we use springs to possibly deploy the minibot itself and then the minibot goes up on its own power?
If you plan on having your minibot change shape as it moves up you will have to demonstrate that during inspection. The minibot has to stay within the 12 by cube size for the entire time.
Also remember that the longest length allowed is not 12" The longest dimension for the minibot would be the diagonal length in the box which would actually be (square root of 3) X 12 or approximately 20.8 inches (point to point)
Caveat… you just have to fit inside the 12X12X12 sizing box in any configuration that your minibot may have during play.
And by the way…whether it is hard to guage the size or not… it is your responsibility to play by the rules and not exceed this size.
Life isn’t about doing things because you won’t get caught…its about doing things because they are right… (or within the rules…)
Someone very wise (my father) once told me that the mark of character in a person is demonstrated best by what they do when no one is looking…
Have a great season!! See you on the field!!
Generally speaking, if the springs didn’t impart any vertical motion (and any non-rubber band and non-surgical tubing ones were on the hostbot), you’d probably be OK.