Detetction april tag and reflective tape

Hello, I am part of the 5553 Robo’Lyon team. Do you know if it is possible to detect reflective tape and april tag with Photonvision ? Same question with the RoboRio. And which one is the most efficient?
Thank you very much for your help,
Gaspard, team 5553 Robo’Lyon

Any sort of vision processing on the RIO would be extremely slow.

PhotonVision has pipelines for both, but you can’t run two pipelines at the same time on the same camera.

Thank you,
How is it possible to switch from april tag pipeline to another one dynamically during a game ? How to proceed ?

Thank you, very much team 5553 !

Use one camera on your robot for April tags.

Use another camera which could be in the robot or arm mechanism for reflective tape.

Both results are piped over network tables and you can read them separately in your robot code for processing.


Both Limelight and PhotonVision provide mechanisms to switch between pipelines; look at the relevant documentation.


Thank you very much to both of you, this year we will use Photonvision again, so we will use two cameras!

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