Dev C++

Has anyone gotten the cbot compiler to work with DevC++ yet? I would rather use it over MPLab, just due to prefrence. I know you can like to a diffrent compiler with Dev, but im not sure if anyone has done it yet. Thanks.

I have used Dev C++ pretty extensivly previously to FIRST, and I have not seen ab option to do so. There might be a tool out there that can convert the DEV C++ projecct files into HEX files, but I am not really sure… Another thing you could do is write up all the code in Dev, then create an alternate MPLAB project file that uses the C++ files form your other project that was done in DEV. You could edit the cod eid DEV then open up the MPLAB project and comple it… Hope this helps… --Brian Jennings

A .hex file is a type of binary file, not a project file. Most IDEs let you select a compiler/linker/etc and sends it the stuff to compile via a special (standard?) formatted command. I imagine you could use DevC++.

I just checked agian and they dont have any options (to my knowledge) of any hex or binary compiling opting, but there might be a package out there that does so… I will keep m eye open…

(sorry about the double post)

would somthing like this help?
