I was planning to do some C++ programming work with the Axis camera over the summer while I’m at school, in order to become familiar with the some of the stuff the vision library can do, like shape recognition and edge detection. But short of lugging a robot to my dorm room or driving an hour and a half to Niagara Falls every weekend, I didn’t have a way to do it. So, cognizant of the fact that NI has provided teams with a Windows version of the C++ vision library, I wrote a tool to help me out, and decided to share it with the community.
It can be found at http://patfair.net/frc/cameratest.
Basically, you connect the camera to your PC via Ethernet and run the application, which I’m calling “FRC Camera Test” for the moment. The program grabs a continuous stream of frames from the camera, does whatever image processing you want, and displays the original image on the left and the results of the processing (image and/or text) on the right. The code provides an interface (in the OOP sense) to make it easy to write your own image processing routines. It’s BSD-licensed, so you can modify the code of the main application too, if you want.
Since I just finished writing this tool and haven’t really used it too much myself, yet, there will likely be improvements made and features added. Comments and suggestions are welcome.