As our second year facing problems in competition, i’ve noticed that we have repeated our mistakes. I believe this comes from our inability to come together during the off-season to do workshops during the offseason to advance our knowledge of how systems work and what would work best for certain tasks.
Im wondering if any teams out there have any type of developmental program or workshop program. I wouldnt mind taking a look at it if possible to help our team develop our own program to get more students involved and understand what to do when we have problems during competition.
Our team continues to make some of the same mistakes, and we continue to improve robotic wise. We also continue to improve in many areas that aren’t directly robotic’ building related. This is our 8th year in the program, and this is the first time that our team’s submitted an Autodesk Inventor Award application. We’ve never competed with an animation. Like life, it’s all a journey, not a destination.
Part of what helps us on our journey is our Northrop Robotics’ engineer taught a series of classes for free out of our facility. They were open to FIRST teams, tho outside teams didn’t attend much… courses
Every year our team is not only teaching in the workshops
workshops, but also teaching workshops at that event
(the courses our team teaches are already mentioned on the link I already gave you.