DeWalt motors

ive seen people using dewalt drills on their bot (motor&gearbox, what kind can you use? how many can you use? do they work better than the cims??

are you sure the DeWalt motor was being used? we used the DeWalt gearboxes on the CIMs

The DeWalt transmissions work very well on robots. However, the motors are NOT allowed in FIRST robotics. If you search CDMedia, there is a paper specifically on modifying a DeWalt to make a 3-speed transmission.

You should also search forum posts about using the DeWalt trannies. The original paper is a bit outdated, and some of dimensions in the drawings could probably be updated a bit. Also, the guy that’s supposedly making the parts as a kit isn’t really doing so anymore as of 2005, as there wasn’t a lot of demand.

the reason i am asking is because that team from Canada that won the nationals used what looked like the dewalt MOTOR, the motor was in yellow dewalt plastics, with the gearbox attached for the shooter’s flywheels

You must be talking about the Triplets’ robots. :wink:

The only FRC-legal motors that are allowed are the ones provided in the Kit of Parts. Since in many circumstances, the motors inside cordless drills are very close to the size of a Fisher-Price motor, it probably wouldn’t be too hard to take the DeWalt motor out and pop in a FP and then replace the casing on the transmission.

Naw. I believe they used the Fisher-Price motor, sans gearbox, with the DeWalt tranny. They may have taken the housing, taken the motor and tranny out, and put an FP in instead of the DeWalt motor.
Also, 1114 and its “siblings” did not win Championships; Northern Knights (296) I’m not sure about.

Edit: For those not sure what a Fisher-Price looks like, see this picture:
The FP is the small shiny one. Looks like the Bosch drill motors we had some time ago, and like the Mabuchis. I’d guess that a DeWalt motor looks very similar, hence the confusion.

You can install the Fisher Price Motor and The Globe inside a Dewalt case. Team 40 used 7 Dewalt gearboxes in the 2006 competition.
4 CIMs - Drive System, Servo Shift, Mecanum Wheels
2 FP - Conveyors,
1 Globe - Ball Feeder

They almost certainly replaced the DeWalt motor with a Fischer Price motor. The FP is actually a bit smaller than the DW motor, so it’s easy (and smart) to reassemble the entire plastic casing around the FP motor to provide additional protection and support.

We have used this system for 3 years and they have not failed us yet. There is a white paper on this site that shows you how to build them. One of our engineers, Joe Johnson and Joe P from 647 came up with this concept. search "nothing but DeWalts white paper and you will see how it is done. So it really is a cim motor that runs into the DeWalt transmission, They are pretty easy to make and are well worth what you get from them. I would encourage anyone to use them they are really nice and dependable.:slight_smile: