**Team 3157 - Eastridge Robotics aka The Iron Lancers will be holding our very own website competition for all of you, who like us, failed at submitting your site on time!
::rtm:: Check out our forums for more details on how to participate in this epic contest of failures!
So if you are like us and missed out but would still like to show off all the hard work you and your team did to create your website be sure to sign up for this contest. DON’T miss out this may be your last chance at glory!
The winner of this competition will receive the rights to display this totally awesome mini award banner on their team’s website if they so choose…
Please note this contest is not supported by FIRST and is a contest held and operated by a FIRST Robotics team. So please understand winning this contest, although will entitle you to massive bragging rights, will not be recognized by FIRST in the actual website award submission.**
To submit on your website, I would have to register on your forums, something that I don’t want to do (there is such thing as too many internet accounts :ahh: ). However, if posting submissions here counts as entering, I’m in.
Yea sorry in order to keep our forums safe and secure and PG13 we don’t open it to the general public. You will have to sign up on our forums to post on our contest. It helps to cut down on outside spam as well.
Our contest and the submissions that are submitted have nothing to do with the actual FIRST Robotics Website Award.
You should still sign up cause its going to be epic! :yikes:
Alex: In order to answer your question, yes we will be taking submissions made on chiefdelphi.com. Just be sure to check back at our forums to see the other teams that have submitted and to scope out the competition. So you guys are in and great job on the site we are glad to have you all as a part of this competition!
Alex to answer your question, Yes we will be taking submissions made on ChiefDelphi.com. Just be sure to check back on our forums to see which other teams have submitted their sites.
Is there a theme going on here? Or am I just seeing double? Oh wait could it be 2 Bausch & Lomb teams! I told you it would be epic didn’t I?! Alrighty Naples your in there, good luck!
We can win competitions, bring home Chairman Awards but we can get the difference between AM & PM! LOL, No worries Team 340 your exempt from that statement.
We had it submitted, but didn’t have everything done we wanted to though. We missed Woodie Flowers and Dean’s List submissions though. Competition sounds like an awesome idea.
We got our Woodie Flowers in, and missed Chairman’s. We put in a ton of work and thought we really, really had a good chance this year. It’s painful, and I feel bad for my kids, who put in so much work.
But… Life doesn’t have a rewind button, so we’re re-focusing on winning FLR again!
Looks like there will be some great competition, welcome. I am glad we can still have some fun with this and get some appreciation for those sites that wont get seen!
Yeah, we did our Chairman’s on Tuesday and were planning on submitting our Woodie Flowers yesterday. I thought they would have mentioned it a bit more since they changed from AM to PM.
I felt bad for the students who worked on Woodie Flowers and the mentor it’s for. They deserve recognition, and they don’t get any because we didn’t notice the time change. I feel bad for the students for Dean’s List too. since it’s there last year on the team and now they have no chance of recognition outside of the team either.
I believe that waiting until the last twelve hours to submit is a bad idea. The website URL can be entered at anytime, they don’t lock the website to the version that is available when you click the button.
The Chairman’s Award and Woodie Flowers are very important and it would be sad to miss out because of high traffic at deadline, whether noon or midnight. Those are best submitted at least a day before.
I think the deadline was sufficiently announced, and just to be sure FIRST sent an e-mail blast to Teams and registered mentors on Feb 15th highlighting the new times in yellow. We are just so used to things not changing from year to year, that we have a tendency to overlook the details when changes are made.
That said - Hey Iron Lancers! I think this is a great idea and I love your award banner! We got our website submitted on time, but I look forward to hearing the announcement of your website winner (is that then the biggest loser?)!
Thank you all for your support and your comments regarding this issue. FIRST in no way was getting blamed for this mistake. I think every one just got caught up in the actual building of the robot, the creating of the website and all the work and effort that it takes to participate in these major awards that minor details such as the time was over looked. Not so minor of a mistake however! LOL
Hope to see more great websites coming through to this competition. So if you missed the deadline don’t miss out on your chance to shine. There are still a great deal of people that would still very much like to see your sites and all the hard work you all put into them. So keep submitting! :yikes:
And yes some times the biggest losers make the biggest winners!!!