The DifferentialDrive negates the input on the right side of the drive so that the robot drives forward on both sides without having to do any -1 multiplications.
This means the right side talons are driving forward with red leds.
The problem is, when I use motion profiling, I am using non negated right side drive. If I use talon.setInverted(true) to flip the talon on the right, it corrects motion profiling, but the differential drive goes in circles. I’m setting setInverted in robot init. I believe that’s where it needs to be set.
I also don’t see anywhere else I could just multiply by -1 to counter this issue. We drive with arcadeDrive(move, turn). the move isn’t specific to left or right. We also are using talons to process the motion profile and I don’t want to send one side a negative position velocity.
Does this all make sense? Has anyone else overcome this without righting an alternative to the DifferentialDrive class?
wpilib has written a setRightSideInverted(boolean) method into the class, but I think it’s still in beta. Would like to know how to fix in the meatime.