The outputs from digitial #1 sidecar are not displaying on the dashboard. We are particularly interested in the pwm cable outputs to the speed controllers and the dashboard is not displaying the signal strength. Relay states and GPIO states are not also displayed.
You can use LabVIEW to make the code change and rebuild the dashboard. Or you can ask that someone send you a corrected Dashboard.EXE that you simply place in the Program Files/FRC Dashboard folder.
At least in previous years (I haven’t checked this year), the default c++ project did not send dashboard data. There was an example project which shows how to send dashboard data.
The LabVIEW problem is on the robot side and only affects teams using LabVIEW on their robot.
Joe is right. The bug is in the Build Dashboard. It shouldn’t even be necessary to rebuild the dashboard. My mistake. Instead look at whether your code is sending values back and if the dashboard is displaying is correctly.