DirectX [somewhat] Major News

** First off, I’d like to say that if this is in the wrong spot, didn’t mean for that. If any monds want to move it, close it, etc… then that’s fine **

" No more DirectX as we know it.Posted by: Tiffany Smith at September 6, 2004 1:20:21 PM

Internet reports suggest that Microsoft is to discontinue DirectX Graphics after DX9.0.

Reports say that although Microsoft will still rely on the DirectX name for the rest of the core components, the graphics API is now under a new name. Microsoft’s next set of core presentation and 3D APIs will now be under Windows Graphics Foundation and Avalon.

So it seems the consensus is; “look out for WGF 1.0 compatibility on the back of that next generation graphics card’s box.”

Related links

Extreme Tech article on WGF"


How does everyone feel about this?

Hmm, I guess another Dashboard3D rewrite will be in order… :wink:

Hehe. Well, you won’t have to worry all that much. I’ve read that Longhorn isn’t due out til sometime between 2005-2006.

I wonder how this would (if at all) affect XBox developement since Microsoft uses a version similar to DirectX for all their games.

I’m sure they will maintain backwards compatibility. If they don’t they could very well have a mob of thousands of angry nerds united with axes and pitchforks outside the redmond HQ. I would join in. A REVOLUTION!!! Muahahaha

Haha. I just pictured that, and it was really funny.

I wouldn’t join, but I’d support it.

About the backwards compatibility, I believe they will to. I think it’ll just be DirectX w/ a new name honestly.

Hopefully, with the open-source revolution taking place, there will be no need for DirectX, Avalon, or Guinivere. As long as Open GL is there (it IS faster for me [with Nvidia card] to play OpenGL games than DirectX ), I will use that, and look for graphics cards that use it.

Hopefully, with the open-source revolution taking place, there will be no need for DirectX, Avalon, or Guinivere. As long as Open GL is there (it IS faster for me [with Nvidia card] to play OpenGL games than DirectX *), I will use that, and look for graphics cards that use it.
I’ve never heard of Guinivere.

I think NVidia purposely made OGL run faster on their cards than DX, because I’m the same way as you.[/quote]

what sucks is my computer is so old that i cant even run DX 9.0. pity me. :frowning:


Your system must be REALLY then though.

DX isn’t that great, but sadly it is used for a lot of games.

Microsoft has 57,000 employees that would not like to lose their $100,000+/year jobs.

…VERY much agreed, but what if Microsoft purpousley didn’t have backwards compatibility? thinks back to the nerdy mob

…Nevermind ^^;;;

It did remind me though that some games as I heard of had trouble with DirectX 9 because of the backwards compatibility issue but that’s all in the past now that I’ve heard. I usually use OpenGL though because it brings better quality graphics than DirectX. I’m into animation so pray my computer can handle it, lol. :slight_smile:

There will still be backward compatibility for DX though, I’m sure of it. I don’t think Microsoft will literally be that that intellegent-deprived to just all of the sudden abandon all those 2,000+ titles that use the DX graphics.

I hope to god that microsoft goes back to the drawing board on this, they have’nt ever released a half decent graphics API, even GDI was ugly.

they need to get their head out of the OO programing hole, and stop putting crappy instruction limits on all thier code.