Discovery: Multiple versions of the Algae ball - (now with Poll)

We got 22 straight lined ones in Canada. Looks like majority up here are the straight variety by talking to other teams

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We got 2 wavy line (type 2) here in MN

For what it is worth, our AM preorder was all straight lines.

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Linking this in: FIRST communication on ALGAE, what happened, and what they are going to do going forward.


I believe we have managed to get a replacement for ours that shipped with a hole.

So C. undulatus was an undesirable invasive species after all… It must have snuck in through shipments due to confusion with the closely related C. lineatus.


2 wavy in KOP, 10 straight from pre-order. Not sure we’ll need that many now, but oh well!

My 20 from AndyMark came in and were all the Straight lines not wavy so I have 22 straight lines and 1 wavy. (We popped a wavy in some testing)

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2 wavy from Kickoff Kit and 10 wavy from preorder.

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Well this is interesting


We have 2 from KoP…and 20 from our “pre order”. all of them clamshell design. This is not going to be good.



Oh my.

I dont think this supplier’s gonna last…


Pretty sure this is pretty standard mold behaviour throughout a production run, at least as far as I know. If HQ says anything at all on this (which I doubt, but who knows, they have been very open with gampiece concerns) I suspect they will just say “variation exists”. Although if the balls behave substantially different with strong vs weak hatching then we have a bigger problem.

It would be nice to know if the official fields have early or late stage production from molds, but I would be surprised ^ if we got that.

^to be fair, I was not expecting sales numbers last time around so :person_shrugging:

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I just hope they aren’t too different so that teams can still accurately expect algae behavior.

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EDIT: Sorry, I missed that there is now a 3rd kind of ALGAE.

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Or a spectrum… But yeah.

I think we can blame you for this :joy: