Disqualified animations

I was just curious if anyone knew what percentage of the animations submitted were disqualified for one reason or another. I was paranoid that we would miss something, but we did ok. When I was talking to the Autodesk rep at the St. Louis Regionals, he said some were disqualified because they used other software than 3DSmax.
Does anyone have estimates on how many animations that were submitted that later were disqualfied?

I’m not even sure on how many were disqualified… What I’m really interested in is what programs if used for the animation (somewhat) can get you disqualified… I mean, It puts me in an iffy state if I use Adobe Premiere for finalizing the animation once I got my rendered parts for an AVA :\

Using other software for texture maps, video editing & sound files is fine. What isn’t allowed is using something besides 3ds Max to create the actual animation.