District and regional events geography

If a team is located somewhere that has no league, are they allowed to fly out to a district event to compete?
can district teams do the opposite?

Welcome! (I appreciate the proper use of thread tags)

Could you clarify what you mean by leauge?

Teams in a district system can only compete for points within their parent district, although they can participate in a regional (but not qualify). (Page 132 of last year’s game manual)

Teams from district A cannot compete in distrct B (i.e. a FiM team cannot compete in Ontario)

Teams not part of a district cannot compete in a district.

There may be a few very limited exceptions granted, but that will need to be cleared WELL ahead of time with the district/regional/FIRST

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what i meant by league was basically an area where competitions are held regularly, thank you for answering, helped a lot.

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Just to clarify: just like participating in a regional, it’s possible for a district team to participate in an event in another district, but it doesn’t qualify them for anything or count towards their rankings. ONT District Georgian Event (2024) - The Blue Alliance and ONT District Durham College Event (2024) - The Blue Alliance are two Ontario district events this year that had Michigan teams.